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Diskursmuster - Discourse Patterns: Diskursgrenzen : Typen und Funktionen Sprachlichen Widerstands Auf Den Straßen der DDR 8 by Philipp Dreesen MOBI, TXT, DJV


There has been virtually no previous linguistic research on resistance in East Germany. This study uses functional discourse analysis to categorize and assess the special, non-explicit pronouncements of resistance that took place on the streets of East Germany. Such resistance kept within the rules of the communist regime through deconstructive word games. The book is intended for readers interested in linguistics and history.

Diskursmuster - Discourse Patterns: Diskursgrenzen : Typen und Funktionen Sprachlichen Widerstands Auf Den Straßen der DDR 8 by Philipp Dreesen read online ebook TXT, PDF, EPUB